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Product series K005


K005 座椅系列作為一款性價比極高的產(chǎn)品系列,它充分考慮到企業(yè)在不同發(fā)展階段各種不同的需求,完美結(jié)合多功能和高性價比,從而打造出了具有成本效益的工作環(huán)境,支持業(yè)務(wù)的不斷發(fā)展及新型工作方式。座椅感應(yīng)操控讓用戶根據(jù)各自喜好調(diào)節(jié)到最為舒適的狀態(tài),當(dāng)您變換工作任務(wù)時,亦可隨時進(jìn)行再調(diào)節(jié)。

K005 series as a cost—effective product series,it fully takes into account the different needs of enterprises in different stages of development,perfect combination of multi—functional and high cost—effective,thus creating a cost—effective working environment to support the continuous development of business and new working methods.

Color sample design

  • 169#

  • 201#

  • 199#

  • 200#
